Thursday, April 2, 2009

Can You Run Pokemon Platinum In Vba


Hi, this post is dedicated to the hundreds of skeptics who have visited my blog in the last 3 days, thanks to you, skeptical, (yes, you) I'm making some extra money.
Mr. nomeacuerdodetunombrequétepareceenlacarateescupoignoranteyporquenopuedodecirtacosporaquísinómecagentuputmadre has done a great job honorably and illuminating (pun intended) with this picture, I hope not violating any copyright for their excellent project (hahaha):

Ay no! What he was thinking ...

it makes me more grace.

Congratulations kid, I congratulate you on your great discovery. According

THEM, what we take with our cameras was the following:
A race, a species of mosquitoes, "flies" REFLECTIVE
. But beware! Reflecting not only the trunk of these maaaaaravillosos! animals, but body, wings, head, legs, trunk, wings, head (uy! I am repeating myself) and all parts of the formation of this animal to see.
these animals did not know, I apologize. But
continue clearing doubts. Now they also tell me that the "Orbs" are what they call ???... mmmm Yes, I do not know, something like "flashes-(fiu. ..!!!)- de-light-glare-created-by-the-flash-of-the-camera-impacting-in-these-animals." You
cag with pets, no?
In fact, I think I should be DEAD

or rather should weigh myself in the old scale to verify that I'm very thin after hundreds of mosquitoes longed for my blood, I have squeezed to me with bones and skin. Remembering
"High Risk" (go to Imdb) "Look at these pictures !!!":

I say hundreds?? I think it is the ost MILLION!

A special greeting for EMINENCE
who has posted this page on the Internet. I'll watch advertising: uy! I forgot how it ends the address of your web ...
not forget that 23 people, maybe more:

should clean the lens of the camera.
2. must take basic classes in the image, photograph and why not advanced aerobics.
3. is extremely necessary, to stop taking pictures in such places as they could bleed to death those thousands of fascinating mosquitoes.
4. not look ... miréeeeeeeeeeeis not directly to the animals, I warn you, quedariáis irreversibly blind by the very powerful flash that occur upon impact with the hardness of a light from the flash of a mobile phone (buff, breath ...).

And remember, Groppi my oh yeah! Do not forget to visit this humble blog, and do not fail to send me little pictures of little animals REFLECTIVE, because without them there would be no fun. Heartfelt thanks. To you. SKEPTICS.

A kiss.


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