Monday, March 14, 2011

Cramps While Not On My Period And Peeing A Lot?


In a decision that may be as surprising and unexpected, Javier Araujo resigned from the bench mining. With this, the Paraguayan dt be his assistant Mario Araya and fitness coach Ricardo Leal moved to the cadets by each coach of the junior series.
Thus, the match would be run by Hector Naval Balocchi, who was in charge of the series U-17 and U-18. Recall that Balocchi and went to Lota Schwager once and it was the start of the tournament in 2005 when would be the Dt of Lota and lasted just one match (against Osorno 1-2).
Now the leadership will see the replacement of only Paraguayan dt harvested defeats in the official tournament and dance presents a diverse range names. The question is how does one sought by the leadership now?, Save the situation with a patch or submit a new plan of work with a long-term dt.
Also, is there a self-criticism of the leaders to the fans?, Starting the least respect would do, we'll see if it happens.
Among the names that came to the fore and are some who believe that the conditions Lota Schwager has not come to work and others that if they would, veaámos names:
1. Mario Lepe: Responsible for the series under Catholic University.
2. Leonardo Vines, called our campaign is doing great in the sub-18 for Wanderers in recent years and appointed by the ANFP as the best Cadet Dt.
3. José Sulantay; outstanding coach who was coach of smaller teams.
4. Hernan "nail" Godoy: DT a long history, is in his last years and always makes news with his board.
5. Daniel Chazarrta: DT Argentine who came to San Felipe in 2008 and then was assistant to Roberto Mariani when they went to first, now holds an administrative position in the club aconcaguino.
6. Marcelo Miranda: Dt of experience in the B and Naval Chile and Temuco. And some
name of the area as Osvaldo Hidalgo, but that's what's in a club that bet and did badly.


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