Monday, March 21, 2011

# I-catcher Console- Web Monitor

The numbers are leaving this historic campaign are bad:
1. Lota Schwager is about to match his worst start of the tournament with four consecutive defeats. The year 1993 had five straight losses, but were in an open tournament where Lota was practically tested players for the tournament official.
2. Hector Balocchi, has not fared well as Dt Lota Schwager has led twice and both with defeats in 2005 was to Osorno and lost 1 to 2 with Ivan Campos mining goal and now at Naval, both local.
3. Two consecutive years with Naval Lota lost last year was 2 to 3 and now 0 to 2, but with the caveat that there was a bipartisan victory mining by 1 to 0.
4. To date four, Lota has used 19 players, of which only 8 have been at least one minute in every game.
5. Rozas Edison became the second player sent off in the 2011 tournament, the former was Miguel Catalan, coincidentally both are lateral.


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