Sunday, March 29, 2009

Burst Red Capillaries

reactions. I explain that they are "bright areas" of the photographs.

Hi, I received several e-mails warning me that some published photographs, particularly those of "light balls" have an explanation merely "natural." Here is my answer:

Reflections of the camera,
MOVING! (ha ha):

Extract from an article by Discovery Channel:
evidence "Orbs or dust?

Since the advent of digital cameras has been a fierce debate about the authenticity of the orbs. They are circular patterns that appear in photographs taken digitally and 35mm cameras.

The first orb photographs were taken by American ghost hunters in cemeteries, in early 1990. They believed that the orbs were the souls of the dead hovering around their tombs. Then, the orbs were photographed in haunted places, suggesting that they were a form of energy associated with the paranormal.

For many years it was assumed that the orbs were paranormal activity, but soon more researchers began to prove that what they seemed. A group of British specialists showed that, depending on the camera, you can get orbs of different structures and colors. And not only that, but moisture and dust in the air causes similar effects.

tests were made with various substances such as sand, dirt and moisture. The results proved that the thousands of orb photographs could be easily explained.

Manufacturers began to take note of these results, equipping recent digital cameras with a filter-free "orb" and showing that these spots were a little more than technical brilliance

The "orbs" nuna out well in the photos, which tend to eliminate the idea that these are due to defects in the lens or digital pixels that are alcalzan to see: The "orbs" would be identical and have a size and symmetry more structured if they were a physical attribute because manufecture of the camera.


Why no one has suggested an explanation of "natural" to the rest of my photos? I still expect many answers.
5. Thanks for questioning
Fe I learn a lot ... From you (ha ha)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wedding Quotes For Picnik


OK ... When you return to Spain in a few days, I will quietly at home, three cafes and two packs of cigarettes carry an extensive report with the abundant material at my disposal. At the moment I'm in Mexico, in an Internet cafe with little money. (This entry is modified and extended in a few days)

1. Tonal focus. Selected pictures days 03/21/1909:

These photographs were taken on March 21, 2009 about 1.00 am in tonal focus. 4 cameras were used in different mobile phone models and 1. 6 people photographed. 10 were witnesses. Several different locations within the focus. At different times. 302 images. Same results. Here is a small selection I made.
I photographed a few. I witnessed every shot. This fact goes for all those who trust in me and of course I believe if I say I did not use, or use any software to distort the images. Anyway, for all will be sent shortly to be analyzed by professionals to conclude a verdict to end all doubt.
Twenty photos were discarded because they are not conclusive in my opinion.
Five photographs were taken under a long exposure time which created them, but naturally explainable disconcerting effects.
see, this will be a matter of faith .. :

2. Tonal focus. Selection of photographs. Various dates:
Different times of the year. Different cameras used. Various artists. Different witnesses. Same phenomena.
More than 1500 photographs, this is another small selection. 982 photographs have copyright, the rest are in process, not tell you what, those who make unlawful use of them will have to deal not with me or the authors, but through the righteousness of the United States of Mexico. Enjoy:

2.1. Bright areas:

2.2. Luminous beings or "fairy"

3. Be light or full light fairy of the day (to shut some mouths ...):

4. "Phantom" the discoverer of Tonal Focus, Don Jose S. Zamora died on August 26, 1998. Photo taken in February 2007:

5. Videos:

... "Conclusion? This is my conclusion:

THANKS: Thank God and the Holy Spirit. Thanks to my parents and my family.
Thanks to Natalia.
Thanks to Don José Sebastian Zamora, rest in peace. Thanks to master
Rodrigo Carpio. Thanks
workers of Tonal Focus.
Thanks to Don Manuel.
Thanks to the family of Don Manuel.
Thanks to the men and women, women and men of faith
Thanks to those who forget me.
Thanks to Mexico.

changes are coming. My journey has just begun.