Sunday, March 20, 2011

Implanttation Calculator


Lota Schwager joined another defeat in the tournament's First B 2001. This time the executioner was Navy who beat him by 2 to 0. With 1769 people and a regular Caesar arbitration Dreisller, Lota formed with Torres, Jeria, Veliz, Gonzalez, Rozas, Mora, Serafini, Sarabia, Huentelaf, Viveros y Morales.
Prime Time:
all supposed, that after three defeats and a removal of technical players miners die on the court to achieve a positive outcome, but it was only an illusion in today's Federico Schwager. Naval came to raise his scheme and proved that Lota is a picture of balance, out of ideas and even worse in multiplayer without self-esteem.
We had not been 5 minutes and an attempted Naval Diaz approached Torres arc, Lota proposed three started playing well, Sarabia, Huentelaf and Morales. Even "Patogol" at 8, dribbled rivals in the area but the ball was left to the right and turned in the best position. Naval
dapper game with Barrientos pushing from behind, and Matías Rojas playing at high level along Melo, but of course had up to a shaky Diaz and Lopez Guatemalan striker as the pivoting everything he got, unlike Viveros did not earn anything up, Lota
looked like a team cut, Mora Serafini and cut no frills game and they played quiet navalinos then, the marked distance and Torres Diaz proved to more than one occasion.
Lota answered with free throws in very good positioned himself near the area, Sarabia but did not succeed in anything, only one had some danger when Aquino ordered at the corner.
Naval Lota looked better dominated the game, developed his game from behind and stitched plays that despite not worry so much, at least frightened. Lota, Sarabia went out, Viveros produced nothing up and only a couple of attempts to recover the ball in midfield recently produced, supplied and Huentelaf was not only Morales was thanks to two headers Acevedo jeopardize the arch, which by Incidentally, barely messy today.
Defensively, Lota had a pair almost improvised, González Veliz, but Jeria gave way to the front navalinos easier and more convincing Rozas, left, had problems when I put in the back, from a center left side Veliz almost become a autogolazo.
The party in its first phase expires and jugadón de Peralta from the right, with tunnel enclosed, cnetro is rejected and the Argentine Matias Grandis with rabid right-a0 became the 1 just before the break and this was a blow to Lota, but by game and attitude deserved to Naval.
Second Time:
seems that there was no strong coffee or anything that gives at half time, Lota kept playing the same way and without major complications Naval playing with pleasure and was more likely to increase than to tie Lota. Minor striker Lee gave a lesson on how to pivot balls, and his companions had paths Rojas Diaz and opportunities by working with Torres continuously. Hector
Balocchi tried to change the picture, is bringing a very low Francisco Castillo Mora, but instead of putting aa Compal Sarabia who was missing in the field, puts it as a holding midfielder and in that attempt to be flying Joint did neither the one nor the other, well, Serafini must have played his worst game since arriving in Lota, because his contribution was nil, giving balloons to the contrary, not generating game and what is worse Chorera not cutting any progress.
However, the best time the Navy was in a center that cleared the defense after a balloon Torres, left for Minor Lopez and his header is removed from the line Jeria. Lota not say nothing of his attack because there was not a single move of risk.
Then in a change that should have been much earlier, nurseries out once again very poor performance and Diego de Gregorio entered apart from the game showed little enthusiasm.
However, he entered Naval Marco Moscoso by Diaz and his first ball almost converted, but in the second after a backlash which is perfect for Rojas left, center and header must be marked Moscoso and 2 to 0 for Naval.
De Lota nothing new on 30 minutes, scored a passing Morales tiraz just wide, more out of conviction that collective game. Naval
kept playing and even his fans began to chant the famous olé olé and mining swollen left before the stadium and whistled to his players. A third change in Lota, Arnaldo Pereira entered despite that placed him at right back, trying to play each ball according to what little or nothing could be done by that time. It was De Gregorio with a header and the only tackle of Acevedo, but the game was doomed and only score remained Rozas expulsion for a second yellow. Lota
not play anything, with a tepid defense, with a midfield where no one played with a lead that if not for the pride of Morales today would not have had any choice of goal.
There is a saying that says "no pig's fault but the bran gives "so the owner asked what Jaime Valdes say about this?, we believe that with no idea of \u200b\u200bfootball soon be able to say the total is President of the Corporation, which is leading us to be the laughingstock of the national football world. Thanks Valdés.
1. A good and two bad of the Corporation, was invited to the school Football-Talents Lota Schwager Coal to see today's match. But at a meeting of the Integration of Schools Cup Soccer, it was learned that Lota Schwager SA still owes 150,000 pesos enrollment, therefore, although this year have not yet football school, they can not participate on that debt.
2. The second bad news is that the entry of Tribune, we said up to 7,000 pesos, when last year was 4,000. I do not think that is a policy to attract more people to the stadium or even increase the cost for the convenience of "seats" of the Tribune.
3. On the radio The Coal hear a shareholder named Labra, said that with four games one is not going to third, but one begins Apensen in that with 20 defeats and good times are coming to Lota. It seems that still get people who do not have much idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you say, you discuss.


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